Historic Site and Preservation Resources


The Belmont Historical Society Cultural and Learning Center is one of Belmont's best local resources to learn about the history of Belmont. Their museum on Catawba Avenue is a must see for everyone. 

If you are a visual learner, then you must check out the quaint  Millican Pictorial History Museum in Belmont.  Here you will find decades of restored photographs that tell the history of Belmont like none other can do.

Gaston County:

The Gaston County Museum located in nearby Dallas, is one of the most vibrant museums in the State.  Housed in the 1852 Hoffman hotel, you will be amazed by the changing exhibits and local history.

The Gaston County Historic Preservation Commission, located in Gastonia, is county-wide preservation group.  One of their many duties is the designation of individual historic landmarks throughout the county.  Lucy Penegar has served on this board for over 30 years.

North Carolina:

The NC State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) located in Raleigh is a great place to learn about the historic tax credits available to homeowners located in Belmont's National Historic District.  This site has everything you need to know, including how to apply for the tax credits and more.

Preservation NC is a statewide, non-profit organization that operates a revolving fund for the sale of historic properties and conducts a wide variety of other advocacy, education, and stewardship programs.

The North Carolina Main Street Program works to stimulate economic development within the context of historic preservation using a comprehensive approach to the downtown revitalization process.


The National Trust for Preservation is a privately funded, non-profit organization working to save America's historic places.

The National Park Service's National Register Programs houses theNational Register of Historic Places, among others.  It is the official list of places worthy of preservation in America.  Individual Belmont locations currently listed on the National Register are: Belmont's City Hall (former US Post Office), Belmont Hosiery Mill and the Belmont Abbey Cathedral.

The National Register of Historic Places nomination for the National Belmont Historic District was drafted in 1996 and defines Belmont's National Historic District in great detail.  Find out if your property is located in the National District by searching the NC GIS Web Service (HPOWEB).